About the artist

Jane Duke

Hello. I am a printmaker living in York in the north of England.

Before I started printmaking I was a watercolour artist and portrait painter, but then a chance conversation with a collagraph printmaker opened a new world to me. I found that printmaking offered a natural development and progression for my work. It shares many characteristics with watercolour such as the need for planning and the lack of escape routes from errors. That sort of challenge appeals to me.

I went back to the classroom (literally) to start from scratch learning the skills, techniques and vocabulary of printmaking. I now share that information through demonstrations at art events as well as on Instagram and in my free newsletter, 'Dapple Scrumping: tales from a printmaking studio'

Jane Duke pulling a print

I use relief and intaglio methods including linocut, collagraph, woodblock and drypoint etching. (There's a brief guide here explaining these different techniques). My subject matter is often places and wildlife seen in my daily life in Yorkshire.

There are some examples of comments from delighted purchasers here. If you'd like to see my work in the flesh then pop over to the events page for information about shows and stockists.

In 2024 I stepped down after ten years as one of the organisers of the annual York Open Studios event. I am a member of the York Art Workers Association and a founder member of York Printmakers.